Wednesday, February 24, 2016

To Become a Millionaire....

So I know we all have these lofty ideals....who does not, right? I know I did....note I said did. When I was in high school that was all I thought about. I was going to have an amazing home with everything that a teenage boy's heart could dream of at the time. I had envisioned I would have this home by the time I was 25....did I mention a garage full of high end cars both new and classics. With a small handful of motorcycles for good measure. Yes, you can say the least I was a dreamer and the fact of the matter I still have dreams but I am more of a realist now. Would I like to be a millionaire still....sure, I think you would find very few people that would say no to that. I however have learned that the path to happiness is not in what you is your mindset.

I have met several people in my life that had large amounts of money. I am not sure if they were at millionaire status but they lived very comfortably and had many a nice thing. However, I noticed a trait that most of them had. They were not happy and for the most part miserable. It appeared that no matter how successful, how nice of things they owned, or how prestigious they became they still had a nagging emptiness inside of themselves. We can speculate all sorts of reasons why they would have this. Some could say they felt lonely because most people only wanted to be friends with them for what they had or could give. It could be chalked up to the old saying that goes something like “money doesn't buy happiness”. I personally feel in the end they were not healthy in their life. No, I do not mean physical health but in emotional and mental health. Sure, they may have physical ailments but I believe these ailments they had manifested themselves from mental and emotional distress over a period of time.

I am sure you wondering what led me to this conclusion, well simply put just sitting down and talking to them over a period of time has led me to believe this. In my life I have the fortunate pleasure of meeting people from all walks of life. From the homeless to people who live rather comfortably to unverified millionaire status. I can say that the people who had the least, but were not struggling to put food on the table often were the most healthy individuals I have met in my life. They appeared to be more stable in day to day life and often were in much better spirits and emotional health.

So is becoming a millionaire healthy? Well I think it all depends on your frame of mind. Will you allow the money to dictate who you are and let it corrupt you? Or will you count your blessings and give thanks to God and live your life as you did prior to your new found wealth? I think that is the key.

In the end I feel it is better for all of us to be rich in love and understanding of each other. Show kindness to people you do not even know. Hold a door open for someone, say hi and smile to another at the store, and practice the Golden Rule. In the end is it not better to be happy and emotionally healthy? I will chose happiness and emotional healthy every time. Also you just might notice things go better for you in your life when you realize this.

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